I've been a large and long term holder of Monero up until this week, approx this time last year my XMR holdings were worth $60,000 and I've sold none until now, why did I decide to sell - because I took a good long look at the coin, it's development and potential as far as I could see it and decided that it was no longer something that I wished to support.
Why did I take a fresh look at it, because among other coins that I back is DASH and on the BCT DASH thread there is constant trolling by Monero fans and the dev smooth, just check how many posts he's made there today alone, dozens and dozens and dozens, why is this happening - I assume to make the thread unreadable and spread FUD, well it does this but it also creates a very poor image of crypto in general and Monero in particular, it is going out of one's way to try and antagonize everyone who sees it.
So I am no longer prepared to back a coin that has a main dev act in such a toxic way, I now no longer own any and do not plan to in the future, those remaining I wish you well with it but my decision to sell three days ago was primarily a business one, I do not see a bright future for this coin as things are atm I'm sorry to say.
Just to say that I think Otoh is doing you a favor by saying this. If I was hedged with XMR and a competitor I would be furious to see my devs posting on competitors threads 100s of times a week for any reason.
The core-devs who are doing this are like a wrecking ball. If serious Devs had enough concern to believe a competitor is a scam, they would handle it carefully like do a proper write-up backed by research and then just present it so the info was out there for people to refer to and make a decision. Because otherwise people might just see it as a competitor wanting to put-down the competition if their accusations are not backed up and able to be tested or they can't present their argument when asked about it in a cogent fashion.
What we have here is literally hundreds of posts per week from the XMR core devs and "instatrolls" posting the *same* accusations again and again and again and again on various competitor threads and then trying to beat each conversation into submission to say that Dash is a scam with XMR always being flawless and 'the most fair coin in the world' and other dramatic portrayals that are paper thin when faced by a Dev posting for the 700th time on your thread saying you are a greedy investor investing in a scam. Like Otoh is saying this create a bad image, if XMR is such an investment for smart people, how come you don't get this?