Thanks to all
For example:
Farm A has 1000 Miner with 50TH per Miner.
Farmer B has only 1 Miner with 50 TH
Farmer A starts the machines. After a week he calculates the average (best-share) with all machines. M1+M2+M3…. :1000
Result = xxxxxxx
How can Farmer B xxxxxxx calculate, to check e.g. whether his miner is working properly?
To check if your miner is working properly you can simply watch the pool status, that's the only way to tell, in your example, Farm B can have a higher "best share" than farm A despite it being 1 miner vs 10000, best shares DON"T matter at all, it's the number of shares that matters, Farm A submits 99900% more shares and thus "statistically" miner B has 0.1% the chance of hitting a block compared to miner A, B or A's best share mean nothing to their chances of hitting a block.
Here is a comparison between S17+ and S17 pro , 70th vs 50th
50th best share:
70th best share:
Notice how best share of 50th is almost 61 million higher, one of my S9s hit 121980528868 which is way more than any of my S17 pros or S17+ ever hit, this does not mean S9 is luckier than the rest, because it has yet to find a block.
There is really nothing to calculate, you could pray or light a candle and hope for your 100th to hit a block, that's all I can think of
, now numbers aside, since your miner managed to hit a block "sadly it didn't go through" I "assume" you are luckier than most of us here, been hitting the solo pool for years and was never even close.
Good luck, mine on.