Another list of coins we've outlasted exchange news!
We have to free up server resources for new coins by delisting some coins which have consistently low trading volume.
The following coins will be removed on 17.06.2015 if their average trading volume for the last month has not exceeded 0.2 BTC/day:
CannabisCoin [CANN], DogeGoreCoin [DGORE], EagsCurrency [EAGS], EbolaShare [EBS], GigaCoin [GIG], GSMCoin [GSM], IncaKoin [NKA], MistCoin [MIC], MotoCoin [MOTO], MasterTraderCoin [MTR], NobleCoin [NOBL], NooCoin [NOO], PenCoin [PEN], RiskCoin [RISK], SongCoin [SONG], UciCoin [UCI], VoyaCoin [VOYA], X-Coin [XCO], Prime-XI [PXI], KoboCoin [KOBO], GeoCoin [GEO].
Please, trade, sell or withdraw these coins before removal date, after which retrieval of any remaining balances for these coins will not be possible anymore.
Thank You for using our exchange!