All we need is for people to get off cryptsy's jock and vote with their bux.
It is all about the volume. For cryptopia, it is about 0.15 BTC for the entire month of May, with the last big transaction worth of 0.1BTC dating back to Apr. 25th.
Sounds a bit like a chicken and egg problem. Peeps won't use it because there's no volume, but there's no volume because peeps won't use it. I have buys and sells on both sides of the Zeitcoin books there, but few show up and trade even though I've never had as much as a hiccup from their software. We didn't even have to bribe cryptopia to add Zeitcoin...don't git it. We work hard to get on exchanges then nobody shows up to trade there, they just keep trading at cryptsy, which by nearly any measure is a very poorly operated exchange.