... as deputy Lion-at-Large ...
... in the noble task of humiliating shit-hawkers & eliminating unjustified, irrelevant FUD forever from these sacred & history-creating pages.
(Even if he's only been here 5 minutes, is totally unknown to the 'Genesis Squad', and is yet to prove he's anything other than just another wannabe. - Hey, this Lion calls it as he sees it, always.)
{Would you have it any other way?}
@kiklo - If you really want our loyalty/support/love, you have to show US more than a few vague (and not particularly cohesive) ideas about 'next year & beyond'.
Some of us have put our hearts & souls into this coin/concept since day 1.
It takes more than words, dude. More than concepts. The future is on the line. Others have tried what you're trying. They're not here anymore.
Dicks-on-the-bar time, dude.
Whatcha REALLY got?
Thanks for the deputy Lion-at-Large nomination, but it would take a few 1000 more posts to come near your efforts.
You are right , all I have offered so far has been concepts & ideas.
Everyone keeps asking what the news and what are the plans.
Well We not just me, all of US are forming the plans thru these postings with our separate insights and ideals. The Price of Zeit is Growing and will be higher in Jan 2015 which will give the counsel more bang for our zeit and make growing it much easier than if we tried it in the next month or so.
There will be separate units since everyone will not want to perform the same tasks, this unit structure recognizes the Way of ZEIT , in that individuals will chose their own amount of involvement in whichever unit they desire.
The Great thing about these ideas is they are open for debate with everyone who cares about Zeit.
There is no ego with me ( too old to have any left) , so everyone should say what they honestly feel about any of the ideas mentioned.
All coins have dived in price since July 1st this year and stayed fairly low.
But Zeit was at 13 for the low and near 23 at the time of this post.
Close to doubling , it is not an accident, and it is going to keep growing.
Belief in me is not needed, as these ideas & concepts come into better Focus,
even if I fall by the wayside, Another will take up the Charge and Finish what needs to done.
ZEIT is not about me , It is About US as a Global People coming together to get it right this time for our children and grandchildren so they will not be oppressed like we and our parents have been by a corrupt system.
Believe it when you see it in 2015.
Oh , and the one thing that we have in common
The Will to Persevere.