You seem to only care about the price of the coin.
What do you really like about Zeit?
If you're looking for this to go "to da moon", it's not any time soon.
Some patience is necessary.
This is a community effort, no one is expecting massive gains, be realistic.
Beside, there's more in the works for this community than this.
Check into the community and movement, and not so much into the price and profit, it that's all your after, then hold your coins for a really long time.
I dont think you read my comment clearly enough.... and also perhaps you would read my earlier comment in this thread a few hours ago, about putting .5 BTC into Mintpal tonight to aid the community by buying more Zeit - to add to the amount i already hold...
However interesting observations, no matter how misguided they are.
I may be interpreting incorrectly but your last several posts are always related to the price of the coin.
"is there a specific exchange people are hitting to move the price?"
"What is happening with this coin - i have 20 million i have been holding - and all i have seen is the price drop lower and lower..."
"what am i missing to reinstall my confidence?"
That's fine and all, but what do you expect that to come across as?
Sounds like your just here for the 'dosh' lol
I myself don't care about the profit as much as the community effort and it's potential.
So instead of complaining/worrying about price, contribute with ideas of how to better the community and the world.
Wouldn't you like to help humanity release it's monetary shackles and expose the true manipulators if you could?
Are you familiar with Zeitgeist?