DOGE was once in the range of 10-30 satoshi, all you need is a popular idea, movement or meme that unites people into a community for your coin to succeed.
and DOGE supply growth rate was much higher
It went even below to 7-8 satochi.
Anyhow I want to give some explanation on a fork because some people seem not to understand what it means. The term fork is used a lot in the open source community. A fork is a new version of a piece of software but has the same base as the original software were it is created from. In the open source community, if the community is not happy with the way how the software is improved or handled, usually the community creates a fork and goes a different way (example is open office vs libre office). In that case 2 pieces of software doing almost the same thing exist at that moment. This is in such cases not a problem.
For cryptocoins this is different. The strength of cryptocoin is that the wallet and the cryptocurrency algorithm is distributed. So when a part of the systems using the cryptocoin software disappear, it still works as many systems over the whole world has that piece of software.
There is also a downside. When you need to update the software, all those systems needs to be updated. If that is not done properly, the system has 2 different pieces of software and then the question is which is correct. Normally the latest is always seen as correct, but sometimes it is also the largest distributed that is chosen. A fork is not always bad. A new version that does not alter the algorithm itself, can exist next to the older version, but in a distributed system, it is important to update when needed. However you always have to wait until the developper has officially released the version. It is possible that a developper added a version he still want to test in a real situation, so please wait always on a official release. And this looks what went wrong with CryptoRush. They saw a code change and immediately changed the code and therefor creating a fork themselves. Their system were not capable of handling this and more went wrong in their system.
So a fork is usually only a treat when new software is released. (there are other ways, but less common) What happens when a fork is created: if the fork is seen as the incorrect version, all the coins created by the fork are becoming useless and all the transfers with that fork are turned back to the situation from where the fork is created. If the new fork is the correct one, then the same thing applies to the older version, but only from the moment the fork was created.
So I hope it explains for some people how it works. The treat of having more then 51 percent in a pool has nothing to do with a fork. It has to do with approving your own transactions and create a way to do double spending. The threat doesn't occur that easy, but it has happened ones that an ex-member of a bitcoin pool has tried to do it, but he didn't succeed eventually. Anyhow spreading to different pools is important. A small risk is still a risk.
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