To hell with 'earning acceptance'.
Great idea for us to try funding worthwhile projects. I emailed ZeitCoin about diverting transaction fees to an address to help worthy causes (I think I made the same mistake as you, saying it should go to TZM or something like that) and we could also add to that ourselves.
Have monthly/quarterly straw polls on what projects we should donate the funds to as well.
If TZM are too stupid to see that Digital currencies are a great step towards bringing down the corrupt finanical system and all it supports, then quite frankly, I don't support THEM. I support us, the folks who are the MOVEMENT. Those who achieve opaque power usually end up divorced from those who supported them, I believe that's happened with TZM.
just saw in the news that 16 banks have been accused of libor fraud! just an idea, but what if we found a way to use zeit to fund actually tackling the banks head on or insuring that they are made responsible for their actions or helping those affected etc! something along those lines! actually taking on the whole point of crypto! could even try rope in other communities and put up a united front.