Could you please add Athens,Greece in the timezone selections?
You should be covered under one of these, depending on DST or not.
case "Africa/Cairo": return "+02:00";
case "Asia/Gaza": return "+02:00";
case "Africa/Blantyre": return "+02:00";
case "Asia/Jerusalem": return "+02:00";
case "Europe/Minsk": return "+02:00";
case "Asia/Damascus": return "+02:00";
case "Europe/Moscow": return "+03:00";
case "Africa/Addis_Ababa": return "+03:00";
Stupidpal - What is Cherry Picking? I mean, I know what that is and I can guess what it means in this context, but is that a setting in bitHopper I haven't seen?
I have been playing with Multi Mining Proxy for some test cases and I'm not liking what I'm seeing. I'm going to run some more tests before I comment further though. You guys might want to reassess using it though.