I see the problem for the 5n. that kilo17 mentions
aside from that
I do not understand the reason people are capped at
1 rozo 2,147,483,647 225,421,727 10.50 rozo did way over 2,146,483,647
2 bctmke 2,147,483,647 24,579,291 1.14
3 eghigo 2,147,483,647 14,950,281 0.70
4 jonnybravo 2,147,483,647 60,869,950 2.83
5 YuenglingDude 2,147,483,647 8,439,623 0.39
6 Underachieved 2,018,459,378 3,483,544 0.17
7 kilo17 1,787,617,883 2,328,366 0.13
8 philipma1957 1,658,915,689 2,069,906 0.12
9 Valkir 1,553,104,548 666,031 0.04
10 njmnokc 1,456,346,814 1,125,239 0.08
There seems to be an error in the mpos code.. i dont know enough about it to say where. but when i ran mpos back in 2014 solo.. i found 7 blocks. but i had a few get up to around 70% cdf.. The shares seem to stop being counted at some point but i dont remember what the limit was.. I ran it with another guy and he would rent hash and in stats it showed him being paid what he should of .> but when pool paid out it didnt seem to pay us correctly.. Didnt matter to us since we just split the blocks anyway. .. You def need to look into the share accounting and the payout cron id say.
Best Regards
* Round Purging
* Round share purging configuration
https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-round-purging **/
$config['purge']['sleep'] = 1;
$config['purge']['shares'] = 25000;
* Share Archiving
* Share archiving configuration details
https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-archiving **/
$config['archive']['maxrounds'] = 10;
$config['archive']['maxage'] = 60 * 24;
check this maybe is it. idk,,, thats in the global.inc.php file..
Best Regards