Does it really only take 2% of musk's wealth to solve world hunger?
The media, and EM itself, have misunderstood what WFP Director David Beasley said - it's not that $6 billion can solve world hunger, it's a drop in the ocean of real needs - because at least half of the world's people don't have enough food. He stated the following :
Beasley said that a combination of COVID-19, regional conflicts and climate crises has led to more than 40 million people being on the brink of starvation and that billionaires could give $6 billion to ease the crisis.
The fact that some people put together billions they can’t realistically spend on their lives, and on the other hand, tens of thousands die every day because they don’t have a piece of bread speaks volumes about the world we live in. If I were so rich no one should publicly call me out for donating something, a normal person sympathizes with people in need.
It takes about $20 to feed one child at school every day throughout the year - yes, you read that right, and through
Mary's Meals program, more than 2 million children in the world are fed that way. If you want to do something, don't wait for the rich to act according to their conscience - if they had it, the world would be a much better place to live.