i am complete newby, so i would apricciate any help- I have 6 gpu rig, saphire nitro + oc 8 gb, but having big troubles making it work.
Until now i tried win 7, was able to start mining with 4 gpu-s, using ethimner on dwarf pool. Hashrate 88 - 100 Mhs. Found out that win 7 suports up to 4 gpu, so tried with win 10 , but than u had this: one card minning stable, tried to start 6 gpu , ethminer starts, comes to max 96% and than driver crashes. Tried qtminer, same thing, creating Dag file, cpu goes 100% and again, driver crashes.
Tried to install different versions Crimson, but always same thing.
now tried again with fresh win 10, having problem with only one gpu instaled, even than driver crashes, blue screen or reboot... or it just blinks and message that watman settings are restored to factory due to driver crash.
6x sapphire rx480 nitro+ OC
AsRock H81 Pro BTC
Intel CPU LGA1150 Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core G3260, 3.3GHz
4GB 1600MHz Kingston HyperX Fury Blue CL10
SSD SATA3 120GB SanDisk Z410
it is getting realy frustrating for me, driver crashes even when system is on "idle", before i start miner, no mather which one :/
If there is known solution, please share it with me?