I've been looking at comparing other payment methods to PPS and have added a quick 'stats' page to which shows some data. The first payment method I'm comparing to is
DGM as this seems to be a reasonable alternative to PPS which helps lower variance for the pool operator. For the curious the stats are here:
http://mmpool.bitparking.com/blockstatsThis page shows under the 'Current' heading the current number of difficulty 1 solutions (as Score) and the amount of PPS that has been paid so far for the current block being worked on. On average a block will be solved by the pool every 'Difficulty' score submissions. This number gives you an idea of how far into a block we are and how unlucky we are if we're way above difficulty.
Under 'Blocks' is a list of the blocks that have been solved since I added the payment comparison stats. So far there have only been two full blocks. They show the total amount that would be paid to all miners using the DGM payment method, the total amount actually paid using the existing PPS system, the difference between the two, and the score total that solved the block (number of difficulty 1 solutions submitted by miners).
As you can see with the two block solved there is a bit of variance there with DGM being higher in the 2nd block and PPS in the first. In both cases the PPS is less than the 50 for the block due to both blocks being solved 'early' (less than the the difficulty number of submissions).
The 'Totals' section sums up the DGM and PPS payments over all the blocks and compares them. It also compares them to the block reward to see if the pool is losing or making money. For those two blocks the pool has been lucky. For the last number of blocks it's been a bit unlucky unfortunately so it's actually in the negative a fair amount (hence my reason for looking at lower variance reward options in case I need to change).
Under Estimated Payout is the current values for all miners mining the current block. It is sorted by total score (difficulty 1 submissions by the miner). It shows approximately what the payout for the miner would be using DGM if the block was found. It also shows the current PPS payment made to that miner and the score. At times DGM will be higher than PPS or lower depending on long it is taking to solve the block.
I don't show the miner user id for privacy reasons. Is there interest in that though? Or maybe a hash of the miner Id? It makes an interesting leaderboard.
Note that stats shown on this page are cached so are not 'immediate'. They are also generated by a seperate stats gathering module so may not represent the exact values you're getting in PPS but should be close. These stats are using floating point values rather than dealing with 'coins' so have some roundof errors. My DGM code may have bugs so another reason for this page is for me to test the implementation. The stats also show bitcoin values only.
Comments welcome! Any other data of interest?