I see that these AIs can program codes, edit and make videos and that's why I think that there's a sense on it. Before, I wasn't worried at all but as they say, it keeps on being developed.
5 years ago, not a lot of people would have believed what we can now do with AI. I too was part of the skeptics. I knew AI was possible, but I thought that it would take a longer time to do advanced tasks using AI. Clearly, I underestimated the technology we have of today. Seeing that AI is now making people more dependent on technology more than ever.
Jobs from the big tech companies are being replaced by these AIs because they're easier, more automated and it's only a one-time payment for them.
No worker benefits and no unions for them to be worried with.
There are advantages behind using Ai in businesses however there are also some disadvantages.
1. Dependency on AI might allow for
incompetence and let business owners AI come up with end products they have no idea how to make themselves. This dependency on AI without having skills f their own might be dangerous in case the tech fails.
2. Following the first one, AI can be vulnerable to
cyber-attacks or hacks and might breach privacy and data of their own very customers.
3. yes, it is just a one-time payment, but it is extremely
expensive, and it is not like they will only purchase just one AI machine