In addition to the refund units we still have one large mine who ordered 665 boards and never paid for them. If you didn't get a chance to purchase in the first round there will be a large number of units available. I'll set the maximum order qty at 4 to give everyone a chance to purchase enough for chaining.
In other news, we're still hard at work on bitstreams. We've had some trouble with the lyra2z but we're slowly moving forward. We received some positive results this week indicating it may be possible to operate the engine as fast as 350mhz without any overclock. This would work out to a hashrate around 35Mh/s on lyra2z (8,8,8 -- not zcoin). We've also begun work on the PHI2 engine. Based on our lyra2z work it appears we should be able to achieve hashrates in the 100-150MH/s range.
Is Xilinx to ship partial BCUs, but do you know how many concrete it will be?
Also, are shipments given priority in the order number?
If I want for a refund from where can I apply?
Also, in case of refund in crypto, will it be refunded at the current price?
1) We should have more information soon; it's still unclear at this point.
2) I discussed this briefly with David. We could fulfill all the small orders (1-8 units) and then some. We were also discussing a lottery. It's a moot point until we know if we will receive partial fulfillment.
3) If you ordered from you can send an email to
[email protected] to request a refund if you wish.
4) All orders are in USD. If you request a crypto refund you will be sent crypto at USD conversion rate at the time of the refund. (Yes)