We understand there have been many changes in the market since you ordered from us and many of you are not comfortable with completing your order. After much consideration we have decided to give partial refunds to all customers who desire them as a gesture of goodwill from us. It is of course not possible to refund everybody in full for obvious reasons even if we wanted to (the vast majority of funds have now gone into the production of the miners so the funds remaining to us are limited). For those who want this it is as simple as replying to this email ([email protected]) with all your paid order numbers (deposit and final payment) asking for a refund; be sure to email from the same address as your order with us. If you have orders over multiple email addresses then please send multiple emails for each request (for security reasons). For everybody else it is business as usual; and will be sending out the details of our share scheme soon as well as further updates on our production. We would also like to apologize in the delay of refunds and some payment related queries; this has been resolved so for those waiting on payments most of you can expect your refund/payment issue to be dealt with any day now.
Best Regards,
Mohammed Akram
Director ISIS
And here is the key word.
It's damage control. Too many people are winning cases. If you paid in any other way other than bitcoin, then legal action is the best course.