
Topic: [ANN] [AIRDROP] 🚀 FREE AIRDROPS 🚀 - 🌟 eBIT 🌟 -💰 3rd of 7 rounds💰 - page 14. (Read 35403 times)

jr. member
Activity: 67
Merit: 3
When will be next airdrop?
Activity: 3500
Merit: 1354
I believe that this project may be abandoned. One must take into consideration the dev's amount of activity on BCT, as opposed to his OWN thread...

Just checked his profile and he was active today, his last post is on the ebit signature campaign thread. Seems it is not abandoned project, because dev try to advertise it through signature campaign although no one is joining so far. Probably because the campaign is not clear, no rates no rules as the dev only post the signature code. A bit strange to be honest, lets see what will come up next after it.
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
All the Ebit Token holders are waiting on the Dev to breathe some life back into to this token...
Activity: 208
Merit: 10
What are you waiting for? Distribution process or new information from Dev? when looking at the number of participants who follow Airdrop, this project seems very promising, there is even a gift campaign here. I hope dev returns and gives answers to the complaints of the participants.
sr. member
Activity: 531
Merit: 250
I believe that this project may be abandoned. One must take into consideration the dev's amount of activity on BCT, as opposed to his OWN thread...
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
I have 100k EBIT. Will I make it?
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
Is this project still alive or is it abandoned? Will there be 4 distribution of coins?
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
The value of the cryptocurrencies is dropping drasticly today. Is this the right time to draw back all the investments, or maybe to risk everything, and perhaps invest even more money? Or we should wait for the market to stabilize itself?
Activity: 165
Merit: 11
The dev is active on bitcointalk.. I don‘t know why he is not writing here.
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
Dear Dev, give us all an update on ebit??
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
The Internet has always given poor analogies for describing Bitcoin’s significance to a wider audience. Over the last two years, we’ve seen comparisons to the price of an ounce of gold. Vice News is now comparing the digital tulips to the market capitalization of companies like Disney and McDonalds. These comparisons are all useless for determining the importance of Bitcoin.
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
I correctly understood that those who participated earlier, now you just need to write in this thread?
I participate in the airdrop)
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
Isn't it possible to show inside what kinds of product is exchanged by these kinds of currency?
For the business man production goes to middle man and for the consumers shows up utility data within mining.
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
Hi! I am a new member and i was curious if this promotion was still running and how I can become a jr member so I can become eligible? Any information wouldbe appreciated. Thanks.

Hello, this promotion is currently on hold, as the dev was busy and now is missing.

About your question for the jr member, you simply have to be active in forums and you will get there Wink
It has nothing to do with this promotion, or any other. it is part of the features of the forum itself.
You will have to make valuable posts in here and to help others and you will become jr member.

Good luck and welcome to the forum...
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
Hi! I am a new member and i was curious if this promotion was still running and how I can become a jr member so I can become eligible? Any information wouldbe appreciated. Thanks.

Dev hasn't been on in a long time.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Hi! I am a new member and i was curious if this promotion was still running and how I can become a jr member so I can become eligible? Any information wouldbe appreciated. Thanks.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
its time of electronic world, so electronic currency is going to popular too, now days bitcoin is one of the most popular and growing electronic currency so  i think it is a grate job , i want to join also how can i join with you ?
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
This Token has Huge potential. We just need the Devs to give us an up on the development of it.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
I see a bright future for this Token. I joined the Airdrop. What is a good wallet that i could use for this? I dont want to sync anything

My Ether Wallet (MEW)
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
It was very nice know about the tokens but i have some questions about
where i can use it.
How secure is it?
what is its rate?
and how can i get it.
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