
Topic: [ANN] [AIRDROP] 🚀 FREE AIRDROPS 🚀 - 🌟 eBIT 🌟 -💰 3rd of 7 rounds💰 - page 5. (Read 35403 times)

sr. member
Activity: 1360
Merit: 257
Never heard this coins before but there is a airdrop program.
Don't be fooled by the newbies posting here, the last airdrop was a long time ago, since then there hasn't been any development or news to suggest a new one.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
bitcoin is a very good website to earn money online through use of personal computer. how it be possible to withdraw the money? and is it possible to use the bank account?
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
I am here as a beginner. I have a question to ask. what is the current volume for ebit?
what is the minimum amount of deposits?
how much if converted to bitcoin?
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Can we register with our multiple accounts? what will happen if we use? and what will happen if we give our ether wallet? What is the main purpose of this project?
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
why you make a new ann, I already join previously so do I need to submit again?
The old topic was removed since many people sent their ETH Address! And thats not allowed! If you already singed up you only need to sent a new reply
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
joined... i want to know if there are other wallets than metamask or parity ? and how much eBIT do i have to have in order to participate in a second airdrop and is it ok to transfer tokens if i have two accounts on different devices?
full member
Activity: 402
Merit: 100
Dead project, some Admin possible could close this OP.
hero member
Activity: 1132
Merit: 536
Dear members,

The swap is really going to happen!
I had to change a couple of times my ideas over this new token.
I understand you might think this is only to sell ebit tokens.
But no this is not the case!
Because i won't continue with eBIT for a while.
So if you are not pattient i don't advice you to buy!

My honoust plan is to eventually buy back a certain ammount of eBIT tokens myself!
So that they are off the market!
There is no reason to continue in this moment with the airdrop for eBIT holders.
This will only bring the price more down.
Thats why your eth adresses are going to be added to the the new airdrop.

This is going to be the swap token and the token that will be sent to continue the airdrop! Click Here!
Probably this will just be a one time airdrop!
The website / telegram / twitter and announcement will be changed soon!

Received the latest email from them on May 2nd, is this really going to happen while the dev is not even actively updating the project in this thread and he is not even active anymore since the end of March?
Surprisingly the link under the "click here" redirects to another project which seems to be a dead project as well.
Lets see when will be the next email/update?

you really expect this to comes back to life?Huh
it was dead months ago, when they have stopped updating socials and was no news of them when the whole market gone down fro ATH!

somebody tried to get advantage of market recovery few weeks ago, but i think users was smart enough to prevent another scam project progress and the scam plan simply crashed down again

be smart, be wise, dont get burnt twice by the same flame Wink
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Is this still a good project to invest in guys?

Does anybody got updated information about this project?Huh Is it allready dead or still worth an investment???
Whats the outlook for that coin??? Why do you complain about newbies posts???
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Is this still a good project to invest in guys?
Activity: 1988
Merit: 1768
Dear members,

The swap is really going to happen!
I had to change a couple of times my ideas over this new token.
I understand you might think this is only to sell ebit tokens.
But no this is not the case!
Because i won't continue with eBIT for a while.
So if you are not pattient i don't advice you to buy!

My honoust plan is to eventually buy back a certain ammount of eBIT tokens myself!
So that they are off the market!
There is no reason to continue in this moment with the airdrop for eBIT holders.
This will only bring the price more down.
Thats why your eth adresses are going to be added to the the new airdrop.

This is going to be the swap token and the token that will be sent to continue the airdrop! Click Here!
Probably this will just be a one time airdrop!
The website / telegram / twitter and announcement will be changed soon!

Received the latest email from them on May 2nd, is this really going to happen while the dev is not even actively updating the project in this thread and he is not even active anymore since the end of March?
Surprisingly the link under the "click here" redirects to another project which seems to be a dead project as well.
Lets see when will be the next email/update?

Somehow I can not believe it. Meanwhile, I think, the swap announcement is only there to drive up the price or the project is just badly managed. Anyway, for me in the project death and that only newbies post in the thread does not make it better.  Grin
sr. member
Activity: 870
Merit: 250
how will they find out if someone uses vpn or proxys and registers multiple accounts? thanks
It is their job if they want eBIT to be distributed seriously. It is hard to spot all but they probably have measures to limit that.
Activity: 3500
Merit: 1354
Dear members,

The swap is really going to happen!
I had to change a couple of times my ideas over this new token.
I understand you might think this is only to sell ebit tokens.
But no this is not the case!
Because i won't continue with eBIT for a while.
So if you are not pattient i don't advice you to buy!

My honoust plan is to eventually buy back a certain ammount of eBIT tokens myself!
So that they are off the market!
There is no reason to continue in this moment with the airdrop for eBIT holders.
This will only bring the price more down.
Thats why your eth adresses are going to be added to the the new airdrop.

This is going to be the swap token and the token that will be sent to continue the airdrop! Click Here!
Probably this will just be a one time airdrop!
The website / telegram / twitter and announcement will be changed soon!

Received the latest email from them on May 2nd, is this really going to happen while the dev is not even actively updating the project in this thread and he is not even active anymore since the end of March?
Surprisingly the link under the "click here" redirects to another project which seems to be a dead project as well.
Lets see when will be the next email/update?
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
how will they find out if someone uses vpn or proxys and registers multiple accounts? thanks
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1059
nutildah-III / NFT2021-04-01
Just a friendly suggestion, but I think it would be a great idea to change the name of this project to eNewbie or Newbiecoin.

Good luck!

PS: I want 10% of royalties for coming up with this name.
full member
Activity: 280
Merit: 106
Yes, of course, there is a plan. During the week, we will sign a cooperation agreement with a new Advisor, one of the leaders of the eSports industry in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). After that, I will be able to tell on a more understandable example how we plan international expansion.

What have you got to do with this project?

Something fishy about all these random newbie posts. Pretty sure this one is dead.
Activity: 3500
Merit: 1354
So many FAKE newbie accounts. What a joke. 

It could be OP's effort to bump this thread frequently, indeed I have no proofs of it but it is so suspicious to see so many new accounts bumping this thread for nothing almost in every single day and surprisingly all those account are only post in this thread. If they are real newbies who hunt for airdrop, at least they will continue posting in other thread.

Activity: 32
Merit: 0
So many FAKE newbie accounts. What a joke. 
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
I am extremely excited and interested for what's to come of this in the near future as I have I hopes.  I just joined Airdrop and like everyone else am in inticipation waiting to see who makes/made the largest donation.  Good Luck and Best Wishes!
Activity: 3500
Merit: 1354
I received an email stating that there will be a coin swap of eBIT this April... is it true?

Whether it is true or not, only dev knows about it but I guess it wont happen this April. Dev said the swap would be in the beginning of the month, but it is close to the end of the month without updates. Perhaps I was right that the plan of the swap was just an effort to make people buy more eBit to bump the price but the effort was failed.
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