1. Legendary: The original form, where you can earn 2000 or 4000 REBL
2. Intermediate: A less demanding form where you can earn 1000 REBL
Requirements: Follow us on CryptoCompare, BitCoinTalk account, email address
3. Easy: Where you can earn 500 REBL
Requirements: Email address and phone number (for validation purposes only)
Please note that the 5000 REBL reward contest for freestyle entries will remain part of the Legendary form.
As a gesture of goodwill to the people who had no choice but to use the old form, we will give all participants who have already filled in the original form as of today 1000 REBL extra. Note that these extra REBLs will come from the original 250 million tokens that have been reserved for the airdrop.
We’re still aiming to become the largest community-driven crypto in history, and we hope that by giving participants more flexibility in signing up, we will be able to involve as many people as possible.
noch mal 1000 tokens extra für die, die von anfang an dabei sind