The staking is exponentially going to get worse because the top 20 wallets own more than 60% of the beans. last week it was like 50%. In a month or 2 it is going to like 90%. All anyone says is buy more beans.... This coins staking is screwed. The top 20 wallets will dictate the market. Would you buy into gold or silver if 20 people owned 60% of the market.
Quit deluding yourselves this is scam coin with fake buy/sell presure.
The community can't give us any transperency about the team working on it and I'm sure this post will be deleted because moderation by the OP.
All this coin is. Is a bunch of fart jokes.
Look at how many coins the guy staking multiple times a day and look at the block chain.... a top 20 bag holder.
The troll box cryptsy is all the same. I point out the errors and people complain I'm trying to bring the price down and one guy called me pathetic.
I did buy in early and noticed my stake shrink and shrink and shrink.
you literally have to buy a million beans to stake at a reasonable level and that puts you in the top.50 addresses. Look at the block chain explorer and rich list.
This coin is a scam and the "community" is going to string ( bean) you along for a massive P&D like another poster pointed out.
Please tell us all the people working on the coin and what you hope to implement that hasnt been done on a thousand coins before and don't say 2 weeks... and BTW a press release involves press, not just posting something on a website that has > 500 views.
So your trying to say stop buying BITB and invest in a bunch of Hardware to try to compete in the BTC Network hmmm I wonder how much that will cost, its like saying don't buy BTC because those who benefit are the bear whales . I'm a noob but I like to read and you should just get out of crypto entirely.
Where anywhere in my post did I say that? Stop making inferences, you don't understand crypto at all. The dev left and called the coin and himself a failure, you do realize there is another bitbean forum on bitcointalk right? He tried to apply an update and the blockchain forked a million times... This the argument all the bitbeaners have.
The staking is screwed, that's why the percentage POS is much better system.
The "fix" postulated earlier was to make transaction fees stupid high and the burning of coins.
That just makes the top bag holders, because that's what you are, artificially inflate the market.
You like to read, read about silver Tuesday and what happened. It's the same thing.
The guy earlier that's staking like 20 times a day has like 6 million bitbeans. (~1% of all beans now). Also did you notice some of the stakes are being orphaned? Look at the block explorer and rich list, that is a super small minority of bit bean holders.
And, if you really want to get into crypto, yes you need to invest in some hardware and mine. Yes BTC is impossible to do on your own, but if you got like 50 mh/s, you can actually make money by reading the forums and make an educated risk on what coins will do well.
This coin itself had a very short and unfair pow stage, that's why the bitbeans are consolidated in so few addresses.
Maybe you should come up with a valid argument before just personally attacking me.
Put some real money on the line, like some of us have and you'll realize how much of a POS this coin is.
Out of curiosity what was your stake and how is that doing? In another week, tell me how it's doing without buying a bazillion coins...
Do you see yet?
Bitbeans isn't even a unique name. It's not even the first thing that comes up when you Google it.