How to make factoid transaction using windows cli? Can someone make a manual on this? And when factoid will be listed on poloniex or bittrex?
factom-cli is a commandline wallet
the labels I refer to below are only known locally. locally you can use your address or label. Others only use your address. these are public addresses
To generate an address
this will generate a local factoid wallet address with the label bill (then bob)
factom-cli generateaddress fct bill
factom-cli generateaddress fct bob
this will generate a local entry credit wallet address with the label dan (and jane)
factom-cli generateaddress ec dan
factom-cli generateaddress ec jane
list addresses in this wallet (this also shows balances)
factom-cli getaddresses
Bill sends bob factoid
( I would suggest a batch file after you know what is going on, but feel free to run one line at a time.)
(The input is greater than the output because of the fee. If your fee is too small, it will tell you on the submit)
(transactionLabel is the name of this transaction. this allows all of the following lines to be attached to the same process and not confused with other ongoing transactions. probably not a concern to you. You can build multiple transactions at the same time if you wish. just give them a different label)
(delete first just to make sure you have a clear transaction)
factom-cli deletetransaction transactionLabel
factom-cli newtransaction transactionLabel
factom-cli addinput transactionLabel bill 5.007999
factom-cli addoutput bob 5
factom-cli addfee transactionLabel
factom-cli sign transactionLabel
factom-cli submit transactionLabel
to create EntryCredits, the addoutput line changes to addecoutput.