This sounds like it could just be the effects of polling. Updates for different components of the page aren't instant and each one doesn't necessarily update at the same time. If you think it's more than that, we'd really need specific orders or trades to look at.
My Order just get filled and on "recent trades" it shows the exact same amount with a 2€ higher price. So maybe the "recent trades" shows the price the buyer was willing to pay and not the price the bitcoins were selled.
(sry for terrible english =/)
Did the time stamp in recent trades match? If you see this again, take a screenshot of the recent trades showing the trade in question and PM that to me along with ID for your trade.
I think you have a data base were all trades are listed? I can tell you the time of my "higher" trade. And yes, I think it was the same time and the exact same amount (0.26259 rounded and exactly 0.26259403). The time was "01-20-14 23:00:40 +0100" (23:00 = 11pm).
It was the following situation: I wanted to sell 0.43BTC, therefore I created an order for 614.95€/Btc. (there were several bigger orders at 614.99€/Btc and so on)
On "01-20-14 22:58:03 +0100" I selled 0.16740597 of them for €102.9463 , so 614.95€/Btc.
On "01-20-14 23:00:40 +0100" I selled the other 0.26259403 for €161.75792 , so 616€/Btc.
Now I checked my balance on the history before and after the trade. It says, that I really got the 616€/Btc. So I have to correct my guess... However, my order with 614.95€ was first, so I think when someone creates a buyorder with 616€/Btc, he should buy my Bitcoins for 614.95€ and not 616€. Am I right? And I'm sure, that the other orders between 614.95 and 616 were not touched.
To sum it up,
I think there are 2 problems:
- The recent trades and orderbook are not updatet at the same time. Sometimes there is a ~7minutes delay. (~3-4days ago, everything was fine)
- It happens that the "recent trades" shows the price the buyer was willing to pay
and not the price the bitcoins were selled. and the seller gets this price(?), (this is new, too. Because of this you can watch ~ every 2 minutes "recent trades" that are not possible, e.g. 0,2bitcoins for 615€, but the best selling price is 10 bitcoins for 612€ and several other orders between 612 and 615. But it's not completely new. Even before these 3-4 days, it happens that not possible trades showed up on the "recent trades". But it was just...~once a week or something like that.
I'm sure (and other users too) there are problems. But I'm not sure, if it's exactly that way I described. It's just a guess to help you to find the real problems.