You have to be careful if you're holding other peoples money that your security is very good. Whilst convenient in some ways, I will not be using the escrow system for my own trades. Direct person to person trading is still the way to go.
Optimally we are holding the money only a short amount of time at a time. Therefore it should be a lot less risky than for example a traditional exchange, which holds the money for much longer periods.
Also, we are developing this now pretty much full time, testing it continuously and carefully. Of course it is your decision if you decide to trust us or not. The escrow process is optional to use, but it should make the whole exchange process a whole lot of easier & faster.
Edit: just to note, there are lots of web sites already, which people actively use, which have much higher risk profile than this service in my opinion. Eg. mining pools, web wallets, gambling sites.