"Historically Significant Shit" LMAO - but really, it sort of is look at that date tho!
sold nearly 500k of these badboys before this bounty campaign started. But we haven't sold a single one in over two months, dammit.
It is fun to own a historical collectible named "Shitcoin", but the only ones who are switched on to this knowledge are the Historical NFT crowd.
Nobody else could give two shits about it, seemingly.
I guess the situation is akin to owning a Donruss or Fleer pack from the late 1980s -- they simply printed too many of them.
There were actually over 1 billion Donruss 1989 MLB cards printed. Shitcoin is kind of akin to that. Except only about 30% of the total supply is actually in circulation.
Everybody wanted a SHITCOIN when the price of DOGE was above 10 cents. Nobody wants one when DOGE is 6 cents. Same for all Dogeparty tokens.
Weird how that works.