Feature request:
Would it be possible to include in the road map, updated features to allow for a tripadvisor feature and BnB booking service. It's not far off, but a section on travel would be great.
There are many people that grow all sorts of herbs and spices, and sometimes it is difficult for them to get good distribution deals. We should support them by allowing people to travel to the source and to stay for a holiday, or a short break.
In many places around the world, growing weed is legal. Many parts of America, for example. It would help those growers if they could have a tourism aspect to their business.
Something like a combination of Airbnb (Highbnb or Hashbnb?), trippingadvisor and hashholidays tours.
I have been thinking about this for some years as I have a share in a mountain in Morocco. We have thought about offering a come and pick-your-own camping trip for anyone that wanted to stay for a few nights or a few weeks. We would also offer people temporary jobs during harvest periods.
The issue for us has been waiting for licences for export. So the main cash crops are olives. If we can expand that to include Hashbnb, that would be great for the local economy - especially if people can book direct and pay direct without exchange rate losses or fees.
Could people be given bounties for contacting crop growers and getting them to register for Hashbnb on the SlingRoad market with package deals?
Leave it with you to think about whether the existing market caters for this, or if something more defined needs to be developed.