What news? What they can provide? One thing that they were must to made is working cards. But Mastercard or Visa want not work with them. SO they will not provide this. In such way they must refund all this raised money (80 mln) to investors.
Are you ok? I've even registered to answer you. Do you know something about the process of issuing cards and how Visa and Master involved in it? Why Crypto.com already have cards? Show us the proof they don't want work with TenX. And forget about refund. they gave you 2 times 5$ tokens, you should got your refund already long time ago)
lol... Are you sure that Crypto.com AKA Monaco have working cards? They are looks such scammers like Centra and TenX and just published few fake videos and photos. They rised money and must provide product. otherwise refund ALL money or seat in prison. thats all.
wow. sorry but I'm 100% sure cause I personally have a Jade Green one. which I ordered on September and on November it was delivered. and it works without any problem so far. it's interesting if major of people really don't believe those videos...
but if you don't believe videos, I'm really wondering how to prove it to you, cause you could say It's photoshop if I send you a screenshot...