Basically, the reddit user explains in the prolonged post how the dividend is simple too small to ever be worthwhile to convert from ETH to PAY as by creating dividend the ETH price will naturally go up. Seems like it's just far better to keep ETH.
Basically you didn't invest because of what one internet guy said. At the beginning payments will be small, yes. But later, the more users use the card, the more you will earn.
In 2018, it is estimated that TENX will have a min of 1 million users, which means an estimate of 1.2B total annual volume - which means .028$ return per token annually
But as number of users grow...
in 2019- 10M users - 20B total annual volume -0.44$ per token annually return
in 2020- 50M users - 100B total annual volume - 2.11$ per token annually return
Even if these milestones are not fully achieved, a 50% milestones achievement still a very good number worth to invest. This is a long term investment.