So, briefly, this is the best approach to staking?:
- Create a number of addresses, eg: stake1, satke2, stake3, etc
- Use coin control to select blocks of XMG, eg: 100-1000 at a time
- send the selected XMG to addresses created
- enable staking (posii=1, split & merge values, unlock wallet for staking)
- wait for recently moved coins to mature 520+ blocks to gain weight
- staking should occur
If successfully staking/minting, staked XMG are untouchable and I guess old XMG should be moved to new stake addresses to reduce their age, I'm not 100% certain on this because staking has never worked for me,
until now.
My recent staking attempt was going as it always has and I didn't expect to generate any XMG, but I did, twice
I minted about 0.04 XMG, which possibly covers the Tx fees from moving coins on all my staking attempts. I thought "Ah, at least I broke even." Then today I see I've minted about another 0.02 XMG
Now I have about half my XMG staked and about half my XMG available, so I'm wondering if I should move the available half to a new address, eg: stake2? To find out, I did exactly that. Selected all XMG available in coin control, sent to new address stake2, and now I wait for the age of newly moved coins to be 520+ confirmations and see if I am staking from 2 addresses, or SooL
EDIT: Although I had network weight with 1/2 staked & 1/2 available, since I Tx my available XMG to stake2 address the XMG client now advises "Not staking because you do not have enough weight". Surely this refers to the newly moved coins only and not the coins that are still shown as staked in Overview? I hope so, because I have no way of telling other than
I wish it had been working for me since I started in 2017, but at least I can now say "I minted
something". I guess that getting rewards for staking may be a bit of a lottery, not a given.
Neither is it a given that The Frisian will be here 24/7/365 to provide advice, answers, or general discussion; I'd like to
extend gratitude to The Frisian for the time and effort given to others in the fora here. Thank you Frisian. It has crossed my mind before now when I've seen your frequent replies to others woes and questions.
Don't forget to dedicate some time to peruse the XMG developer post that The Frisian linked to just earlier, it's worth your while doing so to get a better understanding of XMG:
# PoS-II-V2