I'm getting alot of
[2014-03-06 22:02:36] Stratum connection timed out
[2014-03-06 22:02:36] Stratum connection interrupted
this evening.
Is it my connection, my cudaminer or the pool?
Also, When i try to add my cpu's 40khs to my gpu's 170khs, (by running 2 different worker) over the course of the day, the site report i've been doing 130khs(with 9khs wasted). Why does it look like my cpu's khs is being substracted from my gpu's work?
data is slower to show a true picture of lower hash rates because samples are sparse compared to higher hashing set up, so it would be hard to pin down what you are experiencing. I would start by checking the BTC address in your cpu miner.
minerd.exe --url=stratum+tcp://us.clevermining.com:3333 --userpass=u:p
Its running, and rarely i get work accepted/rejected on the cpu. So the command line should be fine. This isint an instant thing, this is over the course of a day, the cpu worker doesnt seem to get credited even tho it says work accepted and my khs credited is much lower than what it should be. Like my CPU get 20khs accepted and my GPU 170khs, site says 130khs over the day, 9khs wasted while it should be around 190khs. When i turn off my cpu worker, i get 160khs to 180khs daily average. Seem fair since i get a 172khs accepted average on my miner.
The only thing i see is they are both on same computer so same IP.
Either way, i just shut off my cpu miner, seem to be alot of trouble for little.
I'M more worried about the random DC
[2014-03-06 22:02:36] Stratum connection timed out
[2014-03-06 22:02:36] Stratum connection interrupted