Hi all. I need your help. My computer is pretty much on its last string of code.
It crashes a lot now. Its hampered my progress working on Coin Quest, as well as
helping KingArbin with Chain Of Conflict. I need a better system that can handle the
work flow. If you got some bitcoin or decent computer parts you could donate. I would
be so grateful.
I plan on doing more video on youtube as well as twitch. I plan on streaming
the game creation as well. So you all can see how its done.
So please spread the word, the image I posted and the bitcoin address to all.
Thank You 1QCWurrE8sDMbanUcJ6sFvCkk8VtDc2Kf3
I see people are donating c2 for your crowd funding. The only problem is you have to put them on the market to get btc and put downward pressure and the price. Well here is my offer. I will buy all of the c2 you get and ship the crucial ballistix sport 8gb ddr3. The store im getting it from is $71.99. I will throw $10 of my own money toward it. So once you have $62 worth if c2. Sebd them to me and I will get it shipped to you Chad. Alright peeps lets get chad the c2 he needs to get one of his parts. If you dont want to do that its fine but but I just dont want to see more c2 on the sell side that doesnt need to be.
Thanks Wheels. I will post a list for everyone of what gear I need. Nick is sending me a older gpu to help temporarly till I can get a better one. I would prefer btc over C2 just for those reasons. the address in the QR and below are btc address. I have gotten around 4.00 usd so far. some stuff I can get from Newegg since they take bitcoin. I thought they were going to help me, yet I think they are holding a contest or something. so it was not as special as I thought.
I would need every part for a computer NewEgg has some decent looking barebones pc's under 400.00 usd. like this one.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16856272001I just need to get something so I can do some development. I'm being honest with everyone. I'm not trying to pull moves.
I'm dedicated to this coin and to making decent content. Its really frustrating to see people trying to bring my spirit down
like Souldjah has. I have been working my ass off for over 6 months learning software. Once I can succeed then we all succeed.
KingArbin has been doing awesome work, and its because he has a bad ass rig to run the needed software. I really want to start
helping him. I'm going to do my best till I can get this important upgrade. There is only so much you can do with a computer over 6 years old
and ready to blow up!