EMC2, like all CCs is fundamentally rooted on science, the evidence being: the satashi paper, the algorithm, and the block chain; furthermore, it is also supported by science, the evidence being: the miner's taxing scheme, the wormhole, and the actual donation to scientific advancement.
Although the science of literally creating money from nothing is open source and available to copy it isn't the science end of it that has the critical problems, it's the nonscience (nonsense) side of it with the overwhelming majority of problems, the side fraught with scams, wholesale theft, and hype.
As for EMC2, before launch faith and hope was essentially all there was, after launch the two gave way to actual performance, as the performance record compiled the CC's character formed creating for it a level of cryptocurrency community trust (based on track record). When performance dropped it wasn't because of any of the science, or even the standing plan, it was the arbitrary execution of the plan, the overmilking of the cash-cow, the cold shoulder given to miners seeking to improve, the lack of actual transparency, the failure of the magic memo to revitalize market value, and the last straw was the 'long-term focus' BS.
The problem was with the nonscience side of things -- the science proves that too.
wow you really do live in a bubble don't you...
firstly:...the satoshi whitepaper is not a peer reviewed scientific document it is a theoretical white paper written by one or a group of interested parties. Theory may be the basis for scientific experimentation in some cases but theory itself is not science, its theory.
secondly: the crypto economy was not founded by OR developed by scientists, it was a grass roots movement built on ideology (beliefs) and economic theory and to some degree it is still very much influenced by ideology.
thirdly: the fact that a bunch of scientific wanna-be do gooders built their entire business funding model on this so called "science" and it is not working very well is clear evidence that it is not in fact a scientific experiment but nothing more than a social experiment.
forthly: just because something Funds scientific research does not make it fundamentally science based.. if that were the case then all governments in the world would be rooted in science (instead of just plain rooted) because they are the some of biggest organizations that fund scientific research.
fifthly: taxation is scientific evidence? that's news to me...
you may choose to believe that just because something has big words like wormholes and epochs which are used completely out of context that it has something to do with science but in reality it is nothing more than creative marketing and the colorful application of "science fiction".
you may be emotional and you may have some good points about what should be done to improve the situation but the mere fact that you are not able to step back and look at things objectively proves that you are not looking at it from a "scientific" perspective.
so please stop trying to make this an argument about Science vs so called "NonScience" because if it was then you wouldn't even be here making silly irrational comments. You would have simply accepted the results and then moved on to the next experiment.
Markets are all about confidence and human emotion they are all about putting a bunch of the most irrational people together and hoping that they can somehow divine the true value of something..
Science is about producing predictable, quantifiable and repeatable results. Crypto currency, on the other hand, is not.. its about making money and/or furthering an ideological agenda.
personally I like the idea of harnessing the power of irrational and greedy human beings for the sake of funding projects that further human development. that is why I still own some EMC2.. but I don't for one second pretend to myself that every coin I buy is based on a purely rational, logical and cold calculated formula...