We aren't quitting and the coin isn't 'dead', just a few bad seeds and money players who never understood the greater goals of the foundation. Remember, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. The fallout will help us reach our goals faster now.
If you know any ethical developers who want to be part of a new idea, please let me know asap.
We love and appreciate all of our true supporters.
Please contact me with developer contact information, innovative ideas, suggestions, or just to let me know where you stand!
[email protected]
There are no "behind the scenes" when there is "full transparency".
At some point it has got to dawn on you that short term prices count,
at some point you've got to know that the hype window is getting smaller and smaller with each new coin,
at some point you must realize a coin performance plan is necessary ...
If the NPO cared as much about the cow, as they do for the milk, the cow could produce more,
If the NPO focused more on 'profit for purpose', instead of 'purpose over profit' there would be no conflicting interests,
If the NPO knew just how tiny and fragile the CC universe is they would find ways to say 'yes' instead of constantly reaching for the easy 'no'.
There is no long-term plans without a plan for short-term profits --regard it, respect it, and remember it.