yea please go away! i have managed to lurk for 3 years with 4 posts, but you compelled me to just say..stop
um, just because you don't have a voice (or anything worth saying) does not entitle you to tell anyone to stop speaking. I have every right to speak my mind on this thread as it is a public thread. Just like everyone else who posts here does, even the shills. If it was not wanted that way then it would be a *private* thread now wouldn't it? I know this is the announcement page for komodo but I am really tired of all the fodder and useless crap (like this post I am replying to and the one above it) just like ya'll are tired of hearing someone's opinions.. waaaah. Go read a different thread then!
and as an addendum to my previous post, and really just to spite you two who attempt to cause silence when really you just poke a bear and expect it to be quiet? apologies doesn't work like that. continuing on, as an addendum to my previous post that asked KA82 which of the coins on his list was 'private' I would like to correct my previous statement. (apologies if the reader cannot comprehend my simple communications), I did make a mistake. and there could be more. because really I dont care much about the other coins. however, as any informed researcher would do, I inspected them for potential validity (before they were ever mentioned a few posts ago btw). I did see that pivx is cloning libzerocoin and that one does have the chance of offering actual anonymity _but_ (last i looked) it (pivx) is currently nothing more than a glorified coin shuffler. what's worse is libzerocoin is an absolute POS as anybody who has compiled it knows. (pages and pages and pages of warnings during compile). libzerocoin and a crappy zcoin wallet was actually responsible for losing 50 XZC that I had before trading them to KMD (as a result of the tragic occasion I found KMD, thank GOD). the other coins (to my knowledge) either don't offer privacy or offer only psuedo-privacy of a glorified coin shuffler. so where is the innovation and why do these coins have value? well, there are many reasons but since it (the value) is purely a state of perception based on public awareness there is absolutely no reason other than ignorance that those coins would be held in higher regard than KMD. we have seen this before in the human awareness and they love to pack up and follow the hive towards negative outcomes. just look at bitcoin, while it's a great coin it is the most bloated and abused coin on the market! hah who wants a bunch of dirty coins that god knows what was done with them? well apparents billions of dollars worth of customers.. and why? simply collective subscriptions to a problematic choice. one that encourages centralization and an obscene/disgusting waste of our natural resources to do arbitrary equations that result in nothing but a psuedo-security so the overpriced coin can be transmitted to the next holder.
and if you think the technology hasn't evolved way past this then you are in the dark. yet everyone is STILL USING IT almost exclusively? so I would ask again what determines the value of a coin in the public awareness. OBVIOUSLY very little of it has to do with usefulness and true innovation. when we will all see the people figuring out what I am saying (most likely in years from now) then we will see the value of the MOST USEFUL coins going up and the others falling off the map. yes mark my words this is prophecy.
and I will stop posting now, if I am not antagonized some more. so I would suggest that if you wish to say something directed at me then it has some content. plz, you can all hate me I really dont care what you think. is that obvious? I dont even care if you understand me because obviously most of you will not. for those who can then maybe they learned something. and for everyone else who likes to post crap without any content, I will stop berating them also.
good vibes and lots of love to you all!