you think polo will list because you spam ?? they had Sasha (waves ceo(my ass) project too) kmd will never get listed in any serious exchange...i am willing to make a bet with escrow me
First of all, it got listed on Bittrex already which is imo a respected "serious exchange". Second, it won't need a "serious exchange" when Easydex comes from the ground....and because of that, most chinese will use Easydex in the future. And people should not bet/trade with you as you are having a reputation of not being trusted by others.
Any ETA on DEX, I am waiting for decentralized exchange with real time trading since forever.
Yes, we will publish the Iguana roadmap soon. Of course the times are just estimations, and delays are possible. However, considering the magnitude of our technology we are quite optimistic and the features are coming online relatively soon.
The first EasyDEX version will be released in 2-3 months according to the current (to be published) roadmap. A necessary piece in this are the liquidity provider nodes (LP nodes) that ensure our DEX has liquidity and it is actually usable. This week
James announced that he is testing a market making bot in Bittrex, and that the LP tech is being completed.
Soon the Iguana GUI will have a page for the LP node config, which will allow us to publicly test out these liquidity provider nodes. Ideally we got the liquidity provider nodes ready once we release the EasyDEX GUI.
EasyDEX is a simple shape shift like DEX. After it is complete the GUI team will start developing a full trading environment called InstantDEX.
More details in coming Iguana updates, including a near term (3 month) development roadmap.