the ICO site is being updated to support voting
We are going to have a BTCD swap also, so anyone could buy BTCD and swap it for KMD. After the swap you will have KMD which you can use to vote.
The ICO site is coming together nicely, hopefully we can soon announce the schedule.
Will each token holder have 1 voting right irrespective of amount of kmd he holds or will it be proportionate to number of KMD he has?
No problem!
1 KMD = 1 vote per region
You will vote four times, one time per each region (each region will have an independent election)
And will notary candidates be able to vote for themselves?
The elections are quite open, and we want to make them even more open in the future (decentralized). Basically there's no way to stop backroom deals from happening. Also there's really no way to stop any notary node operator from voting.
Right now you could buy BTCD from the open markets, register 10 different accounts through our ICO site, and then use them to vote.