Well, i guess we all had the chance to go up on Cryptopia if it wasn't for the massive sellings. If you waited to be more buy volume which was happening, you could have sold higher for once and second kept the price going - i mean - i can understand you waited to have a high price maybe for a logn time - but look guys - you are in for profit - in exchange i mean, i can only see amateur behaviour and this is why the cryptocurency market is so volatile - and atractive at the same time - but be carefull in the future you can ruin a coin by massive seeling. So let's give sume buy time back so it will grow again - and you can sell higher - why not buy it now whn it's low and make more profit in a month - but don't sell while it's low because you make 10% more. We are in this together - the comunity counts! And we need to have a solid comunity. Don't you agree?!