Don't panic, same here. The wallet will eventually sync up.
yes.. i get this in the debug window at block 8113 where it hangs... Maybe the Dev will use this information to sort something out. Thank you.
SetBestChain: new best=000000000000d087ee70 height=8112 trust=16897387071668010 blocktrust=24618340462625 date=12/15/17 14:37:05
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
received block 000000000005feca3a1c
SetBestChain: new best=000000000005feca3a1c height=8113 trust=16933502065018760 blocktrust=36114993350750 date=12/15/17 14:38:38
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
received block 365d88398f893638a497
ERROR: AcceptBlock() : incorrect proof-of-stake
ERROR: ProcessBlock() : AcceptBlock FAILED
Misbehaving: (0 -> 100) DISCONNECTING
disconnecting node
connection timeout