Just buy u wont regret it
I don't want to be rude, but that's exactly the sort of answer I was hoping not to get. So many of these types of threads (like 99% it seems) is simply people pushing coins on someone else, without giving a good reason, hoping the coin will then go up. I was hoping for an actual answer as to what makes mooncoin better than any other coin.
Hi, sry for the Delay
is been a crazy day.
+ that i see on MOONcoin
i see same adoption curve as doge did, i see the same power of community building behind mooncoin,
you just have to watch mooncointalk.info, mooncoinbase.com, mooncoin.m33.biz, the facebook groups, the reddit groups, the twitter groups, everyday someone new is joining and loving the community, mooncoin already has faucets to share the moons, dice games as well for the gambler ones,
so yes, the adoption is growing in a cool way,
aside the fact that its creating a nice community, and that has a really nice marketing name, i know this doesnt hold so much weight for you, but it really helps a lot to talk to people outside the cryptos to understand this, talk to 5 people who knows nothing about cryptos, explain them a bit what they are, like stock market bla bl ab la, that works for them to understand it a bit if new ppl, and name them 4 coins, and just ask them, wich coin would they invest into, the answers surprises me all the time (i ask a lot) XD, and well about the comparation with GoldCoin , MOON has so much power than Gold word, you dont hear everyone screaming, XXXcoin to the Gold !!!!, while MOON its already mixed with every coin expectations, at least psychology works here as well,
other than community and nice marketing name, it has a really nice developer, he has been having some health problems,
hes been busy with medic therapies, and still, as soon as the community let him know that something needs improvement,
i wont lie, this doesnt happen inmediatly, but bfore 2 days, we already have an answer and he starts to work on the needs of the
coin and community, examples: that virus on wallet FUD clarification, the code upgrades, the latest is coming on its way, the Kimoto Gravity wich has been so succesfull as it helps miners, and new soon to appear, wallets for Mac, Linux and Win, so yep its growing on this area as well.
PR team is awesome, most of this guys are really MOON lovers and holders, people that see the potential on the moon, and that are spreading the moon via Social Media, and Giveaways, sharing the moons over the place and even have the moontipbot at reddit working hard now.
and most important of all and latest focus by community decission, MOON wants to focus on helping and making a real change in peoples life, even if they have nothing to do with cryptos, the community is gathering up a list of good Causes in wich MOON donations could be used for real life porpuses, it started with the Space Camp initiative (you can read about this at mooncointalk.info forums) and now some more others and with more real human value will be added, now even the slogan has been evolving, it first was "You know where its headed", then some ppl just turnd it into "To Tha MOON" (i bet doge awesome community has to do with this xD) but now its aiming to be "Bringing the people to the MOON" as a refference for improving their lifes with some sort of MOON coin assistance and/or donation to the causes, everyone can post a cause, MOON community is open to suggestions and really works together, so really everyone is welcome to join and apport nice ideas.
well, those are some of the reasons why i think its an awesome coin, i dont say its "Better than others" after all they all got born from the same fathers lol, but what i can tell is that i love it more than the others, even more now that its starting to fit and find its purpose as a charity and life changing good vibes generating coin.
hope that helpd a little about why some of us are holdors and really dont get scared with all this Dips, FUD, stuff that on the opposite side of what they ve been trying to do, it has only helpd the coin to grow stronger
P.S: just think why its been focus of whales to try get credit for the coin Growth, wich has helpd but is not the only reason why the coin gets goin up, or why the phishers and haxors are stealing and hoarding moons as well, everyone focus on the ones selling, but you should start watching all the ones buying XD any coin with all that selling power would remain at 1 satoshi full time and would be already removed from an xchange. i dunno , even h8ters have moon, that should say something.