Everyone should have received an update email that has a Batch 2 order. We received final materials this week and will start shipments next.
Have all the batch 2 orders been shipped? I was able to get an order in for batch 2 when orders opened up in late June. I received an email update about batch 2 orders shipping soon in late July but it's been radio silence since.
I'm in Canada, if it matters.
All the original Batch 2 orders are out, only ones left are the later ones ordered end of June, those always had an august ship date. All orders should be out by end of the week/early next.
I juust got am email about pre orderingSayS pre order 8-23-2021? just got it today am i late ? is there special link?
There was a typo in the Subject line, its 8/31 (tomorrow) at 2PM EDT