How the Diff is calculated, its like a wave sometimes?
If you go to you can see some very cool and helpful details at our blockexplorer. Namely, Global Network Hash Speed - Global Network Difficulty and Time to Find 500 Blocks in Seconds. Also, this info keeps updating and also takes you back in time to give a historical data view.
By looking at this you can clearly see what the mining hash rate, mining difficulty and block timing has been doing.
On your Diff calculation question:
ROI Coin is using a MIDAS implementation. Without getting overly technical it looks at some things such as existing block timing, target block timing, network hashrate, etc. It then can do calculations and decide to increase or decrease the difficulty. So far it has proven to be working very well and it offers us some protection against large hashing swings. This could happen if large hashing power was applied and un-applied to the coin thus manipulating or gaming the mining.
The best way to see how well the algo has done is to use the link above. Take a look and see how the network hashrate has varied bigtime from ten's of thousands up to 400,000 hash. Now look and see how the difficulty has adjusted to compensate. Then lastly just see how jagged with big peaks and valleys the graph shows for hash rate and difficulty but when you look at the time to find blocks it runs very stable and steady. When hashrate moves way up and down and diff adjusts up and down and you see that block find time running sweet and smooth we have a winner folks
Watching the ROI Coin Difficulty Algo Over Time
Top view is total hashing - center view is Difficulty - bottom view is block timing
While hash and difficulty move around block timing runs very steady!