Nothing fancy, just bring your pick axe and start panning your claim. We rough it out here... so new can't even afford fancy logos, giveaways, promotions or anything like that. Can't say it's anything special or different, but it's an option.
PPLNS, 1% fee, Email verifications.
(If your email doesn't come through in a timely fashion, check your spam folder)
I'll do my best to keep it going smooth, but I can't quit my day job yet until we hit the mother lode!
Cool. Its always nice having an extra pool. I've been wanting to set one up myself but cant find the help I need.
hope it works out for you
Thank you for the words. I've had a bunch of server space sitting idle for the past several months trying to figure out what to do with it. When I got around to mining KDC after the rest of the other crappy altcoins had already flamed out, I decided "Hey, KDC is for real." Just wish I had more time back when KDC was fresh to help it grow legs back then. Instead, now I'm just running "another pool".