I got hacked again!!!
Inception said I didn't have to change password since he IP-banned the hacker.
Now someone bought EAC for 1.5BTC and sold them for 1 tenth and bought them theirselves. I've got 0.1 BTC left.
5.2k KDC to hell. I'm gonna sue them tomorrow if I wont get my BTC back.
Sounds like someone has access to your computer or your accounts. So far I haven't been hacked on this exchage. *knock knock*
FUCKING HELL, there's all my money. ALL MY FUCKING MONEY. I can just go hang myself now I guess...
That totally sucks for you. Obviously, someone hacked your computer and not Coinmarket. Y don't you post up your Klondike address and maybe people will send you a few here and there. You seem real.
On a different note, so thats who been dumping the Klondikes, lol sorry couldn't resist.
Thanks man, I really hope someone will!