Doge's post is his opinion and should not cause panic. It is not true we have abandoned KDC, im still here (andy) also.
Yes, we have not put any btc/money towards new york because we can't afford to, we're already paying over £200 a month in server costs and have over costs to foot because we did not pre mine. Im not complaining about those costs but it is unfair to highlight we have not put btc towards nyc.
You're welcome to drop.out.if you wish, there will be no hard feelings but effort, we cant pay you because we ourselves are seeing no income from this. we are working.on the exchange as mentioned but have security concerns.
Kdc is far from dead and still sees fair volume, take a look at alts in general. Its not at all like itwas a few months ago.
Mcnulty again, if you have nothing useful to say please go away, youre borong and aren't right about anything
you're a bullshitter, your team was dead a long time ago and you have let people to lost money in your shitcoin by not telling the truth...
But it's true that honesty isn't very common in the crypto world...
It seems that the devs have jumped ship:
The first post and the website is outdated since weeks, it does not take hours to update...
And every time they reply, there is always promises but in the end nothing happens.
For example:
Klondike Coin Promotional Video - Currently in development and should be released within the next week
can we see something of it ?
And is down again...
yeah, it was so wrong