@Steven Saxton
Hi Steven
I just checked the block height (as I now routinely do!) and I noticed that there is a different figure on each of the two block explorers.
SLG in-house explorer gives block height of 869750, which agrees with my wallet.
chainz.info give a figure of 869666.
Can you explain the discrepancy?
Sterling Sentinel
Hi Sterling Sentinel,
Thank you very much for bringing this to attention promptly. Sorry for the slow response, I was away from my desk.
I have already found the culprit. It seems a service provider (Vultr) needed to reboot a VPS, which did not boot cleanly. The VPS in question is the checkpoint server, pivotal in keeping nodes on the same path. This would explain the discrepancy. Nodes could not verify checkpoints. It has been corrected now.
I would be very surprised if I did miss notification of this maintenance being preformed. But, I must assume, that must have been the case. But I will investigate that after bringing nodes onto the same chain. It does seem yours, as is the in-house explorer, are correct. Chainz.info will be contacted if their wallet does not reorganize on its own. It may reorganize, now that it will fail a checkpoint with the checkpoint server running.
Again, thank you for bringing this to attention. My apologizes if I did miss the notification from vultr of their (usually network related) maintenance.
EDIT: Crisis subverted. Chainz.info is correct. Cryptoia is correct. Bluetrade is in maintenence. I will contact them, explain the network hiccup, and offer assistance. Also, I see no missed maintenance notification from Vultr and will, of course, ask them why I do not.