Alrighty, so this appears to be the Step By Step process for compiling a XCN Wallet (both CLI - Command Line Interface, and GUI - Graphical User Interface):
Assuming from the very beginning, skip steps where needed...
Building out a XCN WalletRef:
http://cryptonite.info Install OS (Ubuntu v16)
2. Open a Terminal (if not at the command line already)
3. Update the OS:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Install the XCN Coin WalletInstall and get the XCN Coin wallet running as it will take a while to sync up.
0. To speed things up for the wallet to sync quickly, download the latest blockchain snapshot. As it is a big file, the following can be done while this is downloading.
--- a. To find the file, go to the Home Thread at:
----- b. Scroll down until find, “Blockchain snapshots”
--- c. Click and download from the link with the most current date.
1. Install Dependencies for Wallet (these are needed for both CLI and GUI):
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev build-essential git libgmp-dev libssl-dev libtool pkg-config
sudo apt-get update
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
[Press Enter to continue]
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev libgmp3-dev libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get update
*** Some systems may need the following to the installed ***
sudo apt-get install ccache gcc libevent-dev miniupnpc
sudo apt-get update
2. For Wallet QT with GUI (otherwise skip):
sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev libqt4-dev libqrencode-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
sudo apt-get update
3. Download and compile the wallet. Ensure you are in the /Home/username folder:
git clone
cd Cryptonite
4. Method to configure:
--- a. For only a command line daemon (example: AWS)
./configure CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native" CXXFLAGS="-O3 -march=native” –without-gui
--- b. For all other purposes with GUI
./configure CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native" CXXFLAGS="-O3 -march=native"
5. Make the wallet
6. Clean up the daemon a bit.
cd src
sudo strip cryptonited
7. Copy cryptonited and cryptonite-cli to system path.
sudo cp cryptonited /usr/bin
sudo cp cryptonite-cli /usr/bin
8. Copy cryptonite-qt to system path.
cd qt
sudo cp cryptonite-qt /usr/bin
9. Run either cryptonited or cryptonite-qt so it will create the .cryptonite directory in the users home dir.
--- (should be back into the User Folder)
--- If using cryptonted (daemon):
cryptonite-cli stop
--- If using cryptonite-qt, then go through the setup of using a default directory or a custom directory.
--- Select the directory to use for data.
--- Once running, close the wallet (click on the “X”).
--- Let the wallet shutdown.
10. The .cryptonite folder has been created, navigate to the Home/.cryptonite folder (hidden)
11. If using the GUI, open up file navigator, click on the VIEW tab of the main menu, and select “Show Hidden Files”
12. Double click on the .cryptonite folder
13. Create a file called cryptonite.conf
14. There are two parts to the configuration file, the first half is for connectivity and the second half is of additional addresses to connect with. This is also important if to do solo mining.
--- a. The rpcuser: Can be of any username you want.
--- b. The rpcpassword: Can be of any password you want.
--- c. The rpcconnect: Should be of the same IP scheme that is being used for the network, such as the common, Place an “*” for the last octet to allow for any machine to connect.
--- d. The rpcallowip: Use as the same IP scheme from above.
--- e. The rpcport is the private network RPC port
--- f. The port is the Peer-2-Peer port for use. This port 8253, will need to be open for the external and internal firewalls.
For the first half, enter in the following settings:
rpcpassword= rpcpassword
15. For the second half of the file (leave no empty lines, this is a continuation from above), the available addresses keeps changing, so best to look this up before fully entering. The current available addresses can be found in the Explorers, such as:
--- The peer addresses will be proceeded with “addnode=” and thus would look like this: addnode=111.222.333.444
17. At this current time, from the Selektion site of peers, the second half of the configuration file would have this listing:
18. A quick method in copying down these addresses is to:
--- a. Select all of the columns and copy
--- b. Open up a Spreadsheet (example: LibreOffice Calc) and then paste.
--- c. Delete all of the columns, except for the addresses (col 1)
--- d. Insert a new column in front of the Address Column
--- e. Type in addnode=
--- f. Then copy that 1st cell into all of the rows below.
--- g. Then select all rows and columns with the information and paste into a file editor.
--- h. May need to replace the TAB spacing (select and copy the tab space, then CTRL-H for Replace with the Tab Space with nothing)
19. From Step 0, of downloading the latest blockchain, this is how to add it in. Skip if to sync from the very beginning.
--- a. Go to the Download folder (Home/Downloads)
--- b. Extract the file
--- c. Change directory into the blockchain folder.
--- d. Copy all files and folder into the ./cryptonite folder.
--- e. Accept to merge and replace existing files.
20. Rerun the Cryptonite wallet
21. Need to get the Wallet Address
--- a. If in the Wallet QT, go to File > Receiving Address
----- i. Edit the label for a name of “Pool”
----- ii. Copy the Address and make note for later.
--- b. If using the cryptonited (command line)
cryptonite-cli getnewaddress
----- i. Copy the Address and make note for later.
22. To give the Wallet a test, try the XCN Faucet.
--- a. With a browser, go to:
----- b. Paste (or type…) in the address of the wallet
--- c. Fill out the Capthcha challenge
--- d. Click on the Get Coins
--- e. Shortly, there should be an alert of an incoming transaction from the Faucet.
--- f. If not… give this some time, but if after a few minutes, check settings:
----- i. Let the Wallet fully synch up if it has not done so.
----- ii. Firewall
----- iii. IP and Network Configuration
----- iv. Verify the Wallet Address
----- v. Verify that the wallet is running
23.Now if to set the crontab so that the Cryptonite daemon (cryptonited) or GUI (cryptonite-qt) will always start on boot.
24. Select “2. /bin/nano <—- easiest”
25. Use the arrow keys to scroll down to the bottom of the crontab.
26. Add this line below the # symbols.
--- For the daemon:
@reboot ./cryptonite/src/cryptonited
--- For the GUI:
@reboot ./cryptonite/src/qt/cryptonite-qt
27. Press Ctrl + O to save and Ctrl + X to exit
28. The Cryptonite Wallet will now start on boot.
Additional InformationTo get Cryptonite GUI to run on bootup.The Cryptonite-QT wallet may not startup from a boot up, as given in the above editing. If this is the case:
1. Startup the wallet
2. Go to Settings > Options > Main
3. Click on the box for "Start Cryptonite on system login"
4. Click on OK
Information about Connections.This may be useful for those conducting solo mining operations, but is not a requirement for using a wallet for transaction purposes only. Actually, for security purposes, if only to use the wallet for holding coins and not for solo mining, ensure that UPNP is disabled.
By default, UPNP is enabled by the wallet, but the network settings (and firewall settings) may be preventing it. Note, there is an increase chance of becoming vulnerable to attackers via UPNP. So take added precautions when using this feature. With UPNP not accessible, the maximum number of Connections is 8, of which will be as:
Incoming: 0, Outgoing: 8
To allow for more connections, UPNP must be allowed, in which cause there will be more incoming connections displayed.
To view the number of connections:
1. Go to Help > Debug Window
2. At the Information Tab, in the Network Section will display the number of connections. If Incoming is 0, then UPNP is being blocked.
3. Check to see if UPNP is enabled by the wallet, by going to Settings > Options > Network
4. If the Map port using UPNP is check, then great; otherwise check the box and then click on OK.
5. To verify that the UPNP port is open for Cryptonite (Port 8253), try this website:
--- The machine's home IP should already be listed (the IP address from the ISP, not the internal IP of the machine).
--- If no IP is given, then try this site, (or even Google search)
--- Enter 8253 for the port
--- Click on the Check Port button. If successful, then all is good. If there is just still a low amount of connections, give this some time.
--- If there is an error, such as Connection Timed Out, then there is a problem with the Firewall (External and/or Host) and/or Router.
--- This will require some troubleshooting to figure out the setting issues.
--- Note that some firewalls, such as Sophos UTM for the home, does not allow UPNP.
6. If there are bandwidth issues, such as sucking up too much bandwidth, review this page for settings that can be added into the cryptonite.conf file:
--- Review the section towards the bottom
*** UPDATE July 10th, 2017***Reviewed and made edits and should be good to go.