Hi folks,
I recently bought a 200gh avalon miner on eb...
After recieving it, I plugged it and it ran perfectly, then I left home during 3 days.
During those days, I monitored my box and after 2 days I noticed that my hashpower was divided by 2, meaning one of the two modules was down.
For information, in order to decrease the HW errors I underclocked.
Back home, I tried to restart the box without any success. So I opened it and I discovered that one of the modules was burned.
I cleaned up the pins, underclocked the system, re-plugged with a clean one and restart and it burned my fingers... So I shut everything down.
I also had to fix a network issue as the RJ45 was broken...
Once re solded, I re ran the system and it worked well without thermic issues, so I put it again on line but after a couple of days, I had the same issue with the burned plug...
Is there a possibility that my PSU is unconsistent or something else...
Any ideas ?
http://www.moujik.com/images/20140426_182953.jpg http://www.moujik.com/images/20140426_183025.jpg http://www.moujik.com/images/20140428_141909.jpg http://www.moujik.com/images/20140428_141944.jpgPosted from Bitcointa.lk - #YjShD3uo6dMeXKtu