Question to forum administration: maybe this is right moment to ask Avalon stuff to publish proof of Avalon ASIC existance or shut down any (possible) scam activity?
I will try to explain myself.
Generally the forum does not play the scam hunting game. It could never do as good a job protecting you as the lump of great matter between your ears— but if it does a half-assed job perhaps you'll think you're safe when you're really not. Stuff usually only gets binned/marked as a scam when its so obvious that the scam attempt amounts to spam or when it's generally considered as proven. Buyer beware.
BitSyncom used this forum to advertise its product, got preorders on this forum, used forum to keep (or not) customers informed about order status... But more than one week after we didn't saw any evidence that product were shipped... even more: existed.
There actually exists more evidence than they are making public, I don't really understand their PR strategy. It seems to me that the particular approach they are taking will bias the costs and rewards to the more irrational risk takers in the community— and I don't know that its a good thing. But they did point to the extreme time costs of dealing with the public, and I certainly see the point there.
Personally, based on what I know, I think it is unlikely to be a scam. But it doesn't need to be a scam to have problems and there are clearly some problems— if nothing else then in the shipping and funding of the next batch. Keep in mind that I'm a batch #1 customer too, so I may be a victim of a bit of hopeful thinking. At the same time: I have never been scammed, I have correctly identified and avoided many scams in the Bitcoin community, and I'm saying this even though Avalon hasn't been responding to my emails in the past week (Unfortunately their shipping delays have put their shipping right on top of a cross country move for me, and the complete uncertainty with respect to shipping times means I can't schedule my flights to be around to receive the hardware— so I'm likely going to have to pay someone to camp out at my old address until the parcels arrive).
I will not, however, be placing a second batch order— but I don't know how much of this is because "unlikely" isn't good enough for my personal scam tolerance vs the fact that my first batch order satisfied my current interest in 110nm ASIC miners. Probably more the latter— as I'd probably consider loaning money to them