* Avalon stated the would not premine, would not mine with clients equipment and would test (burnin) on testnet.
Unfortunately this turned out to be a blatant lie.
see here for further details.
To be fair:
My Batch #2 Avalon had three pools configured by default with FAILOVER configured. The first two pools appeared to be the internal testnet pools. The third pool was this eligius pool.
Based on the flat line from 2nd June - 10 July its not like "they ran these for a month".
I don't understand any reason why they should throw away perfectly good hashes. What is the objection if the test is on a live pool, especially if we can all see it? We know that the machines work, and that a lot of them existed last weekend (10 days ago).
hello ProfMac,
lets put this simply - Yifu publically stated they would not mine on main net with clients hardware.
Secondly, the hardware is not his nor does it belong to his company - the company was bankrolled by the early investors/ preorders - they have no right or expectation to get free hashes on clients machines.
This is a very simple point.
Put simpler, Yifu stated they would not mine, people invested with this in mind, turned out Yifu is a blatant liar.