You didn't hold a clearance of any import. I'm guessing if you did, it was secret at best. Stop exaggerating.
You made a factual statement: "You didn't hold a clearance of any import." You then made another statement: "I'm guessing if you did, it was secret at best."
Now, I could see where you might be able to wriggle out of the liar moniker for the second statement... but the first one is a factual statement about a subject you either:
A) Had no knowledge of, therefore making a factual statement about is a falsehood.
B) Had knowledge of, knew to be inaccurate, and thus perpetrated a falsehood.
In either case, it was a lie. You lied. Own up to it like a man at least. You, sir are a liar, plain and simple. Given the fact that you've lied about your own security clearance and then proceeded to lie about mine, I wonder what else you're lying about. You've already admitted to lying to your wife through omission (or is that also a lie?) Are you a serial liar or something?
Lets pick a couple of your quotes just to point out the lies of omission you tell (or not as the case may be) your wife regularly:
I cannot knowingly associate with convicted criminals who have engaged in crimes of moral turpitude, especially those involving money.
I really don't care about my background check (which was embarrassing enough), I care about the impact to my wife's ability to prosecute FRAUD by knowingly associating with convicted scammers.
I did trade with pirate, and in retrospect, much like imsaguy (without the PPT), looking back on what started innocently enough, it's pretty darned obvious I should have been more careful.
So... does she know you lie to her regularly? Does she know you associate with criminals?
PS - Please point out what I'm diverting attention from? What questions in this thread that are on topic have I failed to answer? Oh, that's right... none of them. There's no attention being diverted, except you trying to divert attention away from the fact that you lie to your wife on a regular basis, you lie to the forums on a regular basis and that you've been caught and are trying to wriggle out of it on a technicality that's not working. Good show, but I award a giant FAIL to your efforts, sorry.