In brief:
- we only provide support via e-mail, and the e-mail, and there is a contact form and support@e-coin e-mails openly available on the website. It would be very hard, if possible at all, to deal with 90% of the requests we get via telephone, hence, no telephone numbers provided.
- MyChoice (WaveCrest Holdings) is mentioned in the Ts&Cs when you are ordering the card. Maybe we should advertise it more, not sure
- Other partners, such as BitGo is openly advertised on the home page and in the "Partners" section
- What do you mean by explaining how it works? A better description of the service than the one available?
Would really appreciate your inputs..
I understand your choice to not include phone support, indeed it would probably be chaotic. You could perhaps do it with a high charge line, in addition to the free email support though.
Im talking about a landline, an address, something real that people can get in contact with your company, not for everyday support.
I do understand its easy to run the whole site/services from a server on a data center and that there is no need for office space, but you are dealing with money, and people will always be suspicious and cautious about their money. Some real contact credentials would make people feel safer, because if something went seriously wrong, like for example if your site dissapeared and with it all the bitcoins and money of the users, they could find and contact you somehow.
You should advertise MyChoice more, for the same reasons I mentioned regarding the phone and address. People need to know that their money is with a real company, that they can get in touch with in case something goes wrong etc. And since MyChoice seems to be a relatively well known legit company on its field, and also has real addresses and phones which you dont, you should advertise your partnership with them in my opinion.
Many people dont exactly know what you actually offer, and they dont understand that you are a Bitcoin exchange/wallet site, that also offers a way to top up prepaid cards. They probably think you issue the cards or that the cards directly consume bitcoins. I for example wouldn't trust a card issuer with no history, phones and real address.
Especially people not familiar with bitcoin, that need your card for other reasons (for example I got your card due to a temporary ban on international transactions here), need a good explanation of exactly how your site and services work. And I'm pretty sure many (if not most) of your users are not bitcoin investors looking for ways to convert their BTC to real currencies, but people like me that will buy BTC (probably from other sellers/exchanges) in order to use your card.
While your help videos are very easy to understand, having just videos instead of an in depth text guide looks unprofessional, and contributes to the shady feek of your site (in conjunction with the lack of real contact credentials and detailed explanation of how everything works and what companies are involved).
I think you offer a great service, and honestly hope that you will continue offering it. It works fine for me and I encountered no problems.
No offense, but for the reasons I explained, and it seems many people agree with me, your site has a shady, scammy vibe to it. I wouldn't leave my BTC in your wallet, even now that I used your card with no problems.
Look at it from a marketing standpoint. People are being turned away from your services due to this. I did my best to explain what many people find wrong, I hope it helps.